Skordle, OSN joining together this football season
by Ben Johnson (@BenJohnsonTUL)
8/10/2018 11:30:59 AM
posted in: News | 3,522 views

Skordle and Oklahoma Sports Network have partnered together to provide scores and in-depth analysis for viewers in southwest Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Sports Network provides free high definition online broadcasts of high school and collegiate athletics in Lawton, Duncan, Cache and Elgin. This year, OSN’s broadcasts will feature a scroll on the screen with scores from across the state, courtesy of Skordle.

“We are ecstatic about the mutual partnership,” OSN’s Eric Sharum said. “We’re excited to provide scores and highlights from games across the state. This will take us into a new generation of broadcasting.”

Also on Friday nights, OSN will broadcast a wrap-up show called the “Final Score.” Hosts Kyle Vrska and Christian Lawyer will breakdown down the action from around the state.

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