SKORDLE SAMPLER: The Flamingo Lounge in Enid
by Michael Swisher (@michaelswisher)
9/12/2019 9:01:51 AM
posted in: Skordle Sampler | 2,140 views

Week 2: Bethany at Chisholm

By John Hardaway

Resident Pork Burger Griller/Food Expert

Perhaps the most important aspect of a football road trip beyond the game itself is food.

“Where are we going to eat?” is usually the second question asked right after “What time are we leaving?”

Skordle, as always, is here to help, especially all the Bethany fans making the trek north to Enid.

Their 4A No. 1 Bronchos are traveling to Class 2A Chisholm for a non-district showdown that is Skordle’s Week 2 “Game of the Week.”

For those not making the trek, you can watch the game live at 7:30 p.m. on or your Skordle app. 

For those who are, we can’t tell you when you’re leaving, but we can tell you where to eat, especially if you’re fan of burger.

The Flamingo Lounge.

Located at the major intersection in Enid (U.S. 81 and U.S. 412/Van Buren and Garriott), the Flamingo is a classic dive burger joint that has been a favorite for many - especially the locals - for a really

long time. 

Simplicity is what makes Flamingo great.

Personally, I think the burgers are incredible and what I love the most is the melty cheese and warm, greasy bun.

I would highly recommend the “Double Meat Double Cheeseburger.”

You can even add chili if you’re brave enough or have arteries made of steel.

The only side option is chips to go along with the burgers. 

Regulars normally get some chili cheese nachos as an appetizer or side.

The place has shuffleboard, pool and video games for the kids. 

Next time you’re in Enid - and that’s Friday night for you Bethany fans - I would strongly suggest a stop at the Flamingo for an awesome burger.

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