SKORDLE SAMPLER - Week 3 (2021)
by John Hardaway (@CoachHardaway)
9/14/2021 1:59:00 PM
posted in: Skordle Sampler | 1,522 views

Flamingo – The go-to Enid food stop for the SKORDLE crew

If you haven’t had a burger at the Flamingo Lounge in Enid, you really need to because they are absolutely delicious! 

The Flamingo is located right at the main intersection of town (U.S. 81 and U.S. 412 or Van Buren and Garriott for the locals).

It’s a classic dive joint that has been a favorite for many for a really long time. 

Simple is why they are great. 

The burgers are incredible and what I love the most is the melty cheese and warm greasy bun.

I would highly recommend the Double Meat, Double Cheeseburger. You can even add chili if you’re brave enough or have arteries made of steel. 

The only side option is chips to go along with their burgers. 

Regulars normally get some Chili Cheese Nachos as an appetizer or side. 

If you’re wanting to try something truly unique, follow the lead of Mr. SKORDLE Adam Diesselhorst and order the Pickled Eggs. 

I have never brought myself to try them (I stick to the nachos and burgers), but Adam loves them and you might too. 

The place has shuffleboard, pool and video games for the kids. 

The next time you are in Enid, I would strongly suggest a stop at the Flamingo for an awesome burger!!! 

Flat Top Shrimp and Corn – Something for home this weekend 

I need to make a small confession which may surprise many, but I was pretty late to the Blackstone/flat top griddle craze that has pretty much taken over outdoor cooking the past couple of years. 

Many of my friends have been using them for a while now and the pictures and videos always looked amazing. 

On a recent trip to Canadian, Texas, I was visiting with a family friend and the topic of best flat top recipes came up. 

Joe told me that his go-to is shrimp and corn. 

It sounded so great and yummy that I knew once I finally had my own, it was going to be one the first cooks I did, so here is “Joe’s Shrimp Corn.” 

It’s really awesome and gives you something to add to your smashburgers, fried rice and breakfast deluxe. 

What you Need: 1 Package of Bacon, 1 bag of frozen corn, 1 onion, 1 green pepper, 2 bags of large frozen deveined tail off/tail on precooked shrimp, seasonings of choice 

Order of cooking and introduction on flat top 

  1. Dice and cook entire package of bacon (I really think half package would do the trick after my first cook and this would definitely lower the cholesterol intake and indigestion repercussions but you do you) and then push that to the side on lowest heat possible
  2. Throw an entire bag of frozen corn on the griddle in the bacon grease until it starts to turn brown, even black in some spots, then push to the side in low heat
  3. Dice onions and peppers and put on the grease and cook down – push to side on low heat
  4. Add pre-cooked large shrimp on there and season with whatever you like. Shrimp is already cooked, so maybe 1 minute tops! Don’t overcook and make chewy!
  5. Reintroduce everything you pushed to the side back in with the shrimp to make one big happy family. Continue to mix and season further to your taste. All the available bacon grease should be gone by now!
  6. Very quickly throw some corn tortillas on the griddle with a little cheese on them to help the tacos “stick” as well as throw some cheese on the Shrimp Corn Mix until melted because why not? Cheese makes everything better! 
  7. Make your Shrimp Corn Tacos and enjoy your newest Blackstone flat top cook! 

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