SKORDLE SAMPLER - Week 3: Skyline Chili
by John Hardaway (@CoachHardaway)
9/13/2022 10:46:32 AM
posted in: Skordle Sampler | 1,402 views

I was fortunate enough last Spring Break to have the opportunity to make a quick trip to Cincinnati to visit my G-pop and Uncle Joe. 

While in Cincinnati, I had the opportunity to eat at the famous Skyline Chili for the first time ever for lunch with my G-pop. 

I have been wanting to eat at Skyline for as long as I could remember and I was excited this trip gave me the perfect opportunity. 

The place was packed for lunch and our booth was located right next to the kitchen, which I really enjoyed because we could watch the entire assembly process. 

I decided to get the classic Chili 5 Way, which is chili, noodles, onions, beans and cheese.

I mixed it all together and tossed in some oyster crackers. 

Simply put, the Chili 5 Way was fantastic! 

My favorite part was the big pile of finely shredded cheese that they put on top of the entire plate that slowly melts over and into everything while you are eating. 

I also ordered some chili cheese coneys as some “kickers” because I wanted the full Skyline experience.

My coneys were pretty good as well and once again the finely shredded cheese was my favorite part.  

As one could imagine, I was miserable after this massive lunch, but I was very happy with my Skyline Chili experience. 

I think it helped that it was mid-March and the Ohio weather was still cool, which I think is requirement for chili most of the time. 

If you ever happen to be in Cincinnati, I highly recommend you give Skyline Chili a try because it’s a Cincinnati institution and must-stop for any out-of-towner. 

The good news is there are ton of locations around Cincinnati, so finding one along your way is pretty darn easy.  

My strong recommendation is the Chili 5 Way with a couple of chili cheese coney kickers to get the full Cincinnati experience!

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