SKORDLE SAMPLER - Week 4 (2022) - The State Fair Food Tour
by John Hardaway (@CoachHardaway)
9/20/2022 2:55:01 PM
posted in: Skordle Sampler | 1,926 views

One of the first blogs I wrote for the Sampler was my annual State Fair of Oklahoma Food Tour. 

This has become somewhat of a tradition for me and so many other Oklahomans who go to the fair to eat the unhealthiest, but also most deliciously-satisfying food imaginable. 

The State Fair Food Tour is one that you and your digestive system can only handle once year. 

You go in excited and leave feeling disgusting and awful, but that’s what the experience, when done properly in my opinion, is supposed to be. 

On this trip last weekend, the food order was as follows and I will be breaking them down individually with the positive and the negative of each, but when it comes to the Fair Tour it’s almost always positive! 

Corn Dog - In my opinion, the solid foundation that the State Fair Food Tour is built on. The Corn Dog is ALWAYS the first food item purchased. Hand dipped, flash fried, piping hot, and with a line of mustard, it’s the gold standard of fair food and has never disappointed. 

Lemonade – After that first Corn Dog goes down the hatch, it’s time for the first of many freshly squeezed lemonades. Nothing quite quenches the thirst like one of these and I normally need a few of them. A few pointers: 1) Get the Refill Cup- $7 the first time and $3 refills after that so it pays for itself. 2) Freshly squeezed – nothing out of a fountain ever. 

Roasted Corn – This was even better than the previous times I remember getting it. The entire family got an ear of corn, right off the fire, and then fully submerged in the vat of drawn butter. I then took mine to the seasoning station and dusted it generously with Lawry’s Seasoned Salt. It was simple perfection and pure greatness and I ended up getting a second ear because it was that good. 

Cheese Curds – I have always like curds and with the nudging of Mark Rodgers, I decided to get the ones at the Fair. When I went to the truck, they pulled the curds out of the fridge, battered them right in front of me, deep fried them, and then served them to me blazing hot. They were so greasy, so gooey, and so good! Cheese Curds will become a must-stop on future Fair visits. 

Indian Taco – This was the most disappointing food selection of the 2022 Fair Food Tour for me. For years, this was always a must-get and so good! My favorite part was the fry bread edges. Unfortunately, I have a major complaint with my Indian Taco from this Fair trip and this was something I even noticed the last visit. It’s much different than previous ones. You’re probably asking: What is my complaint? My problem with the Indian Taco is complete lack of hamburger! It seems that the chili and beans topping ratio is about 99% beans and 1% hamburger, if that, and this is disappointing! I’m not sure what the deal is, but on my Indian Taco there was basically no beef on top, just a bunch of beans and cheese with some sour cream. This is not what I remember and not what I paid for, so I will probably be veering away from the Indian Taco at the Fair until I see some improvements. This is a sad day indeed! 

Funnel Cake – Nothing like a sweet ending to the day and one more food item that is deep fried, so we got the obligatory funnel cake. Just the simple and classic Funnel Cake with powered sugar. I must admit, they aren’t necessarily my favorite sweet treat, but I had plenty of bites and it was pretty good. The key is to eat quickly while they are hot. 

Well, there you have it, my annual State Fair of Oklahoma Food Tour and I didn’t even get a pork sandwich, turkey leg, or deep-fried Oreo (just really doesn’t sound good). 

I did drink about 6 Lemonades during the trip and ate plenty of awesome fried food. 

We finished the day off at Disney on Ice, which was a great way to help digest this avalanche of fried goodness. 

I love going to eat at the Fair every single year! 

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