SKORDLE SAMPLER - Week 10 (2022): The Popcorn Ball
by John Hardaway (@CoachHardaway)
11/3/2022 9:39:46 AM
posted in: Articles | 5,646 views

While out trick-or-treating with my kids Monday night, I was having a discussion with some of the other parents in our group about my Halloween experiences as a kid. 

I vividly remember always loving the houses that gave away homemade cookies, brownies, caramel apples and - especially - popcorn balls.

I was reminiscing and remembering the good ol’ days when people used to hand out these homemade treats and it really made Halloween special. 

As my kids were about midway through the evening and collecting a ton of Halloween candy, all three of them came running back to me telling they were just given popcorn ball. 

They all wanted to know what it was exactly and if it was good?  

Is it good?!?!?!?!?!

I seriously couldn’t believe it as these amazing homemade Halloween treats appeared out of nowhere right after I was talking about them and it honestly shocked me. 

It’s eerily similar to talking about a new refrigerator with someone and suddenly those ads start showing up on your Facebook feed.

This homemade popcorn ball looked perfect and so tasty. 

I immediately grabbed it from my kids’ bag, pulled it apart and started eating. 

It was so good and exactly what I always remembered. 

I just had to share with you this rare find and awesome Halloween experience. 

Kudos to the house who made and handed out the homemade popcorn balls. 

They stole the show Halloween night and I definitely know which house my kids will be stopping by next year. 

It is hard to beat a great popcorn ball and what a tasty treat to have on Halloween night! 

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