Skordle's Preseason Large School Soccer Rankings
by Michael Swisher (@michaelswisher)
3/2/2023 9:30:15 AM
posted in: Articles | 2,804 views

(Ed. note: Although his daughter is currently playing in three leagues and he is listed as the author, Michael Swisher is not smart enough to compile these rankings. They will be compiled each week by a committee consisting of several people associated with soccer in the state. We have dubbed them the Skordle Futbol Committee.) 

6A Girls

  1. Deer Creek
  2. Edmond North
  3. Broken Arrow
  4. Norman North
  5. Jenks
  6. Union
  7. Edmond Memorial
  8. Bixby
  9. Yukon
  10. Owasso


6A Boys

  1. Norman North
  2. Jenks
  3. Deer Creek
  4. Broken Arrow
  5. Mustang
  6. Union
  7. Edmond North
  8. Bixby
  9. NW Classen
  10. Edmond Memorial


5A Girls

  1. Bishop McGuinness
  2. Piedmont
  3. Bishop Kelley
  4. Collinsville
  5. Noble
  6. McAlester
  7. Lawton MacArthur
  8. El Reno
  9. Sapulpa
  10. Claremore

5A Boys

  1. Santa Fe South
  2. Bishop Kelley
  3. Southeast
  4. Tulsa East Central
  5. Lawton Eisenhower
  6. Tulsa Will Rogers
  7. Tulsa Memorial
  8. Tulsa Edison
  9. Piedmont
  10. Bishop McGuinness






Friday March 3, 2023




Deer Creek (6A #1) vs. Norman North (6A #4) – State Championship Rematch


Bishop Kelley (5A #3) vs. Yukon (6A #9)


Union (6A #6) vs. Owasso (6A #10)


Edmond Sante Fe vs. Edmond Memorial (6A #7)





Broken Arrow (6A #4) vs. Mustang (6A #5)


Oklahoma Christian School (3A) vs. Heritage Hall (3A)


Jenks (6A #2) vs. Mustang (6A #5)


Edmond Santa Fe vs. Edmond Memorial (6A #10)

Deer Creek (6A #3) vs. Norman North (6A #1)

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