SKORDLE SAMPLER - Week 1 (2024): The Best Corn on the Cob You've Ever Had
by John Hardaway (@CoachHardaway)
9/3/2024 5:13:18 PM
posted in: Skordle Sampler | 1,323 views

We are finally here.

It’s Week 1 of the Oklahoma High School football season and I know everyone is excited for everything that comes with Friday Night Lights. 

The college football season got going this past weekend and the NFL gets started this Thursday, so this means the 2024 football season is in full swing from now until the Super Bowl in February. 

If you have been reading the Sampler the last couple of years, you know our affinity for BBQ. 

I want to give a major round of applause to Edge Craft Barbecue in Oklahoma City for making Daniel Vaughn’s Texas Monthly’s Magazine Top 10 list of best Texas BBQ places outside the state of Texas. 

We have been big fans of Edge Craft for a long time and this comes as no surprise to anyone who has visited them for the best BBQ in Oklahoma City. 

Check out Layne Jones' article from last year outlining how great Edgecraft really is and why you need to go.

  In addition to Edge Craft, two other Oklahoma BBQ joints also received recognition in the same article and that was Phat Tabb’s BBQ in Idabel (Past Sampler as well from Week 1 2020), and Oakhart Barbecue in Tulsa. 

I’m a really big fan of Phat Tabb’ss and would highly encourage anyone visiting Southeast Oklahoma/Broken Bow/Hochatown area to visit Tabb Singleton's place. 

Not only because his BBQ is great, but because all his culinary creations are truly exceptional! A quick Google search will tell you why. 

As for Oakhart in Tulsa, I have heard and seen some good things about them. Oakhart is on my list of places to visit the next time I’m in Tulsa for lunch and when I do, you can bet they will be mentioned in the next Sampler. 

Do you want an easy way to make the very best corn on the cob you have ever had at home? 

I came across a simple recipe online last year for Jalapeño Honey Butter Corn and ever since, it has become my go-to for making homemade corn on the cob. 

Start with your basic big pot of boiling water that is big enough to put full ears of corn into it. 

Once the water is boiling, you add 1 stick of butter, 1 cup of milk and 3 tablespoons of honey. 

Mix all this together with a whisk or spoon until the butter is melted and honey thinned out. 

You will then add 2-3 sliced jalapeños to the mixture and give it another good stir. 

Add your ears of corn and boil like you normally would until it's cooked. 

Once the corn is ready and on your plate, add some more butter, garlic salt and ground pepper to taste. 

Now you are enjoying the best corn on the cob you have ever had. Trust me, because this recipe adds tremendous flavor and sweetness!

Something new to the Sampler this football season will be the inclusion of a sort of “Fun Fact(s) of the Week” from Chris Wilfong of 

Chris has done an incredible job of accumulating and organizing a ton of Oklahoma high school sports history on his website. 

When I asked him for a fun fact heading into Week 1, he shared with me the following, which just happens to involve one of our Game of the Week teams, the Washington Warriors.  

There currently are two teams in Oklahoma riding a 31-game consecutive winning streak in high school football - Washington and Fairview. 

This week Washington hosts Sulphur and Fairview travels to Kingston so tune in to SKORDLE.TV or any of our social media platforms to watch or follow these games and all the others from Week 1 on your SKORDLE app.

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