SKORDLE SAMPLER - Week 9 (2024): Revisiting Our Top Candy Picks, Good Soup & Happy Birthday Adam
by John Hardaway (@CoachHardaway)
10/31/2024 3:29:16 PM
posted in: Skordle Sampler | 803 views

Since it is Halloween today, I thought it would be fun and timely to run back some previous SKORDLE Halloween Candy Blogs from 2021 and 2022.

I discuss many important topics related to candy preference, secretly stealing lots of candy from my children and my love for the old days of homemade Halloween treats.

If you are fortunate enough to come across a Popcorn Ball, Brownie, Candy Apple, or Rice Krispies Treats, rather than a full-sized candy bar (what's really special about that?), you are truly one of the lucky ones tonight! 

I have also included - in the 2021 blog - an incredible Minestrone Soup recipe courtesy of Mr. SKORDLE himself Adam Diesselhorst.

Speaking of Adam, today is his birthday, so tell him Happy Birthday! 

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